With these individual payment gateways you can integrate the payment methods of the payment service provider stripe.com into your Blesta installation. The payment gateways support IPN (Instant Payment Notification). IPN means that the invoice is marked as “Paid” when the payment has been successfully executed and the service ordered from you can be automatically executed (provided you have configured automatic execution after receipt of payment in Blesta).
System requirements
- Runnable Blesta installation
- Admin access to Blesta
- Installed Ioncube Loader (at least version 12)
- Active account at stripe.com with activation of the corresponding payment method
- PHP 7.2 – 7.4, 8.1
- Please log in to the customer account at Plambee.de Webhosting
- Download the latest version of the payment gateway in the product management.
- Unzip the files to your computer and copy the contents of the folder to the installation directory of your Blesta installation.
In order to guarantee the function, please do not rename any folder or file of the payment gateway.
- Log in to the admin area of Stripe.com
- Click on “Developer” in the left menu and then on “API Keys”.
- If you have not yet generated API keys, please create them. Make a note of your API keys.
- Click on Webhooks in the left menu and create a new endpoint.
- As URL please use https://URLZURIHREMBLESTA.de/callback/gw/1/stripe_eps/ where the 1 is the ID of your company. If you have several companies in Blesta, please replace the 1 with the corresponding company ID.
- Select payment_intent.canceled, payment_intent.succeeded, payment_intent.payment_failed for the events to be sent.
- Now create a secret key for the signature and make a note of it.
- In the Blesta admin area, go to Settings → Payment Gateways → Available and click on Install for EPS.
- In the gateway settings, please enter the respective keys. With the setting “Own reason for payment”, your entry is added to the reason for payment generated by Blesta. The variables %kid% for the customer number and %c_name% for the customer’s last name are also available. Please note, however, that Stripe only allows a reason for payment with a total length of 22 characters.
When we release an update for the gateway, please download the latest files via our customer area, unzip them on your computer and upload the new files. Then go to Settings->Payment Gateways in the Blesta admin area and click on the “Update” button that appears next to the gateway. This will complete the update by Blesta.