Of course you do not like cancellations as a provider, but you are part of every business. WHMC’s own cancellation system offers the customer the possibility to cancel immediately or at the end of the billing cycle. What for the customer might be to the advantage, is not always feasible for the provider. Often it is only possible through longer contract periods and deadlines to offer the customer the product at the price indicated. Our Cancellation Manager replaces WHMCS ‘own cancellation system and allows you to save your own minimum contract periods and deadlines for each product. In the customer area, the customer then sees the next possible termination dates.
- Deposit of a notice period per product / addon / domain
- Deposit of a minimum contract term per product / addon / domain
- Possibility that the admin can deposit a notice about the module surface
- the customer has 5 termination dates
- the customer can revoke a cancellation via the customer area
- The customer receives an email confirmation upon termination including termination date
- The customer receives a confirmation if he takes the notice back
- Customer receives confirmation when the admin withdraws a cancellation for the customer
- Possibility of products being blocked at the time of termination and terminated after X days (adjustable per product)
- Optional e-mail notification to the admin if a termination is due in X days
- Optional reminder email to the customer if a product / addon is terminated in X days
- Possibility also to cancel addons
- Option that the contract term corresponds to the billing interval
- Option that the notice period and contract term can be set using the Config option
- Option that for each billing cycle own contract terms can be stored
- Possibility that the termination is no longer revocable via the customer area X days before the termination date (for example, because the product is purchased externally and you want to avoid communication problems at the weekend)
- All customer emails are customizable via template
- The module interface and the customer area are multilingual
- Adjustment of the invoice amount for products with ProRata billing (the last month is calculated pro rata)
- Creation of a ProRata invoice if the customer should revoke a termination
- Customize the Admin Widget to show the number of cancellations
- Ability to indicate when the product was canceled on the clientareaproductdetails.tpl
- Compatible to WHMCS 8.6 – 8.8
- Compatible to PHP 7.4, 8.1
With the following pictures you can get a small impression of the module, but we also offer a free trial version.
Cancellation Manager Trial
free Trial Version
Try it for 5 days for free
Requirements: PHP 7.4 & 8.1, min. ionCube Loader 12
Cancellation Manager Modul yearly Leased Version
per Year, incl Vat -
Yearly rental Version
Price for annual renewal: 49,95€
Notice period: 7 days before renewal
Requirements: PHP 7.4 & 8.1, min. ionCube Loader 12
Cancellation Manager Modul monthly Leased Version
per Month, incl Vat -
monthly rental version
Updates and support over the rental period incl.
Notice period: 7 days before renewal
Requirements: PHP 7.4 & 8.1, min. ionCube Loader 12